A space to embrace and nurture the divine feminine energies
Welcome divine beings, welcome sisters!
I am so happy to have you join me here. If you are feeling the call now to come together and step into your power as women, then this is the perfect place.
In these times, more than ever, we need sisterhood. For far too long now women have been set against each other and the relationships and communties we once had have been destroyed. We are so so powerful and that power is massively amplified when we come together. I want you all to join me now in this sisterhood.
All of us are healing, suffering, struggling, learning, growing, grieving in one way or another. We are all in it together, yet so often we carry our pain alone. We so desperately need to connect with one-another because that is when the magic happens. We can open our hearts and feel our feelings and through this sisterhood we can step into our divine power as women.
I am honouring the call of the divine feminine rising on our planet at this time and I hope now to bring women back together to help heal ourselves and the world we live in 💚
Please join me now so that we can raise each other up. We have been struggling in silence for far too long. I have established Soul Temple as a healing space and the Soul Temple Sisterhood is especially for those of us needing to deepen our relationship with ourselves and other women in a warm and supportive space.
Please join the facebook sisterhood group here:
If you have any female friends who would benefit from this space then feel free to suggest this to them! 💜
I am so excited to connect, to share, and to heal with you al.l 🌟💜🌟
Watch this space for more soul-warming sisterhood offerings!
Enter into the Soul Temple and work with me...
Divine Energy Healing
This powerful modality of divine energy healing is able to reach the deepest levels of stuck energy and shift blockages that have been greatly impacting you on all levels. However you are experiencing these issues, be it physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually, they are all energetic problems that can be rebalanced by divine energy and consciousness.
Come back into alignment with the essence of your soul
Re-Souling is the process of coming back to your truest essence. It is about bringing the lost, forgotten, or shunned parts of yourself back home, where they can be integrated fully.
Re-Souling allows you to start living a more full, creative, sovereign existence, in alignment with your own soul. This in turn allows the amazing energy of the universe to flow for you; this is where the synchronicities, opportunities and miracles can be found!